What to Expect When Going to a Sedation Dentist

As a dentist you learn to deal with the fact that many people get anxious about coming to see you. It’s completely understandable. Most healthcare professionals quickly come to terms with this fact after being in the industry for a while. I’m Dr. Toan Dang, and I know that just getting to the dentist is a huge hurdle for many people. Most patients find that once they are in my Philadelphia office, everything is going to be okay.
A Sedation Dentist Can Help

You might have heard of a sedation dentist or sleep dentist. A sedation dentist has received some very special training to help people who get very anxious about seeing a dentist. When patients go to a sedation dentist, they will receive medication to take, prior to their actual examination. This medication will make the person very drowsy and will alleviate all of the stress and fear that they normally feel. This allows the sleep dentist to provide the kind of dental care that the patient needs. It really is a great solution for people who can’t tolerate visiting the dentist for a conventional visit.

Patients who go to see a sedation dentist should always have transportation to and from the visit because the drugs are taken before the visit and the effects can last for some time after the visit. This is a great breakthrough for people who may not have seen a dentist for many years to get the treatment they deserve. If you have questions about sedation dental practices or would like to set up an appointment please call me at 215-313-3390, or stop by my office at 537 Washington Ave Philadelphia, PA.

Contact Dr. Toan Dang’s, Philadelphia, office today to make an appointment for a consultation.

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