Looking For a Sleep Dentist?

For some people anxiety goes hand-in-hand with a visit to the dentist. For some reason a visit to the dentist can rank up with one of the most stressful things that people go through.
By now everyone knows just how important it is to take care of your teeth and to visit your dentist at least twice a year. For people who just can’t stand the thought of a trip to a dentist, there is a new term you might want to hear – a sleep dentist, otherwise known as a sedation dentist. This is a dentist who has received special training. This type of dentistry can be especially helpful to people that just can’t bring themselves to sit for a regular dental appointment.

My name is Dr. Toan Dang, I have a dental practice in Philadelphia, PA. Having been in this business for a while, I know how much some people fear going to the dentist. A visit to a sleep dentist can make that fear a thing of the past.

If you plan on going to visit a sleep dentist, you will probably be given a medication to take before the visit. This medication will make you drowsy, so you have to have transportation to and from your visit. While most patients never fall completely asleep during these visits, the medication’s effects allow them to stay calm and free of fear during the trip to the dentist.

Visiting a sleep dentist like me, Dr. Dang, can be great for people who just get too anxious for a conventional visit. Too many people neglect their dental health because of fears that they have. Don’t let that happen to you. If you’d like more information on any kinds of dental questions, please call my Philadelphia office at 215-313-3390, or click on this link to set up an appointment.

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