Flat Foot Report

“Do You Have Sore Feet? Tired Legs? Shin Splints? Sound Familiar? Avoid Long Term Problems and Complications By Detecting and Eliminating ‘Flatfoot’ Before it’s Too Late!”

Dear friend,

Do you suspect that you might have flatfoot? If you can relate to the misery of suffering with sore feet and legs when you stand still for any length of time, and your feet seem to have lost their natural arch, then you will want to continue reading.

Hi, my name is Dr. Idiculla and in this report, I am going to teach you how to detect and eliminate the condition known as flatfoot, so that you can steer clear of the problems that accompany the condition, if left untreated. While flatfoot is a  known problem for many who work in pediatrics, really any age male or female can find themselves dealing with this condition.

Flatfoot is easily treatable and you don’t have to live with it for the rest of your life! What you choose to do with this information may make the difference between a pain-free life and one filled with the miserable repercussions of not acting when there was still time.

How Can I Tell If I Have Flatfoot?

Flatfoot is fairly easily identifiable. If your feet seem to have lost their arch and look completely flat, then it is likely that you have the condition. One way to tell is to simply wet your feet, whether in the shower or pool, and then place your foot firmly on a dry surface. If you can see your entire footprint, rather than noticing a space missing for your arch, then in all probability, you are flatfooted. Another way is to inspect the soles of your shoes. If the sole is worn unevenly, then that is another indication that you may have flatfoot.

Additionally, flatfoot makes itself known through a number of symptoms as well. For instance, you may experience pain and discomfort in your heel or arch area, and there may be swelling on the inside of your foot. Your feet may get tired easily and they may ache when you stand for long periods of time. You may also note pain in your knees and lower back, and may struggle regularly with shin splints.

If you can relate to these troublesome and aggrevating symptoms, and if you believe you may indeed have flatfoot, then it is imperative that you pay close attention to the rest of the information in this report. It may save you much trouble down the road!

Causes and Risk Factors of Flatfoot

Certainly you must be tired of having sore feet and legs! If you want to conquer flatfoot, one of the most important things that you must do is find out the root cause of the problem. Many people may try to treat the symptoms of the condition, but are never cured because they are not targeting the main instigator that is creating the issue in the first place.

There are a number of factors or events that can cause foot fractures. You may be suffering from a torn or stretched tendon, or a dislocated bone or even a fracture. Some individuals that experience flatfoot may have a problem with the main tendon that holds up the arch, the posterior tibial tendon, due to other health problems, such as diabetes, high blood pressure or arthritis. Obesity also plays a significant role as a risk factor in developing flatfoot, as well as aging, as the tendon can weaken with time and pressure.

Since the causes of flatfoots can stem from a variety of issues, it is important to have the root cause properly diagnosed. You may think that flatfoot is just a simple problem; however, if you do not address the issue head on, then it will keep rearing its painful and ugly head time after time. Certainly you do not want that! It’s as bad as having a chronic illness that never seems to go away! Besides, dealing with this condition your entire life is so UNNECESSARY! Help is so close…and easy!

Potential Long-Term Problems if Left Untreated

Many people just like you may not be aware of the potential long-term problems that can develop as a result of improper treatment, or a lack of it altogether. However, they are very real and should be taken seriously. If you try to take your chances of somehow avoiding these consequences, you may end up with an outcome that you are not happy with.

First of all, those who deal with the condition known as flatfoot normally shift pressure to other parts of their feet when walking, which then causes severe pain in those areas. Additionally, what began as tired legs and shin splints, can develop further into other joint problems in the lower body, such as knee, hip and lower back pain.

Why? Well, when your feet are out of alignment with the rest of your body, it places a lot of stress and pressure on the rest of your body’s skeletal system. Therefore, since your feet are not carrying you properly, the rest of your lower body is trying to make up for it. And, in the process, there is a lot of pain due to the strain of it all.

This is certainly not what you want for your life, is it? Why should you have to deal with such horrible suffering, when you can get help and be free once and for all? Are you ready for that freedom NOW? Well then, I have GOOD NEWS for you!

Finally Free!

Inaction is not an option. Don’t you just want the pain to go away and for everything to be healed and like new again? It can!

However, the choice is up to you. You must act now and stop making excuses or hoping that the problem will someone disappear by itself. You need the IMMEDIATE assistance of a professional podiatrist who will help you to address your flatfoot problem and its root cause once and for all.

THAT’S WHAT WE’RE HERE FOR. OUR OFFICE IS RIGHT HERE IN Herndon.  I want to help you end the suffering and bring your feet from barraged to beautiful, and from awkward to aligned. I will equip you with ALL THE INFORMATION THAT YOU NEED AND SHOW YOU EXACTLY HOW we can ELIMINATE this AWFUL condition, and prevent it from ever coming back again. However, I can’t help you unless YOU contact me! The BALL IS IN YOUR COURT…DON’T PUT THIS OFF!

I look forward to seeing you in person very soon! Complete the form below to make your appointment now: