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Why are They Called Plantar Warts?

#HerndonVA Doctor Stanley Idiculla here; your favorite podiatrist in Herndon. Do you ever wonder where plantar warts get their name? Let me tell you. When a wart that is caused by a virus develops on the bottom of the foot, it is called a plantar wart because the area of the foot where they develop [...]

What is the Lateral Plantar Nerve?

#HerndonVA It’s amazing to study all of the nerves, muscles, tissues and bones of the feet. Each one has an important role, and if afflicted, can cause lots of pain. I’m Doctor Stanley Idiculla, an orthopaedic specialist in Herndon, and I would like to talk to you today about the lateral plantar nerve. The lateral [...]

Advice for Those in Ballet

#HerndonVA Do you or someone you know spend your free time in dance activities such as ballet? Hi, this is Doctor Stanley Idiculla, a podiatrist in Herndon, and today, I want to speak to those of you in ballet about special precautions that should be taken with your feet. When you wear ballet shoes, your [...]