What is the Medial Plantar Nerve?

#HerndonVA Most of us don’t give thought to the nerves in our feet, at least until those nerves are pinched or are affected by other disorders.

I’m Doctor Stanley Idiculla, a foot doctor in Herndon, and I would like to teach you today about a very important nerve in the foot called the medial plantar nerve.

The main job of the medial plantar nerve is to support the longitudinal arch of the foot and also to flex the joint of the big toe. The name of the muscle that is directly affected by, or dependent on, the nerve is called the flexor hallucis bervis. When the medial plantar nerve connects to the lateral plantar nerve, a painful condition develops called morton’s neuroma.

If you are dealing with foot pain and suspect that it might be a nerve condition, come visit me, Doctor Idiculla, at my podiatry office in Herndon.

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