Work Injury Report


“Here’s The Biggest Mistake Many Employees Unknowingly Make After Being Injured At Work…And How To Avoid It!”

(Knowing This Critical Truth Gives You The Secret To Getting What You Deserve And May Put You Back In The Driver’s Seat
Collecting Your Paychecks Fast!)

Warning: By Law, Your Employer or Your Employer’s Insurance Company Is Required To Pay For Care Deemed Reasonable and Necessary To Cure or Relieve Your Condition! Don’t Waste Time Or Your Employers Money…Get The Help You Need Now And Collect Your Paychecks Without Skipping A Beat (or a Bill!)”

Monday, 11:13 am

Dear Frustrated Work Injury Sufferer,

Please take a minute from your busy schedule to read this letter. I promise, you won’t regret it! If you recently had a workplace injury and you’re feeling confused, frustrated or even scared about how you’re going to get back to normal, feel better, and pay your bills each month, this is going to be one of the most important letters you ever read!

My name is Dr. Knecht and I specialize in helping people with workplace injuries. You’re going to see that this letter is very different from the letter you probably received when you were contacted by your employer, or by their recommended insurance company.

I have to be honest with you, if I’m going to help you, I’m going to have to be frank and get right to the point. It’s not that your employer isn’t concerned about your condition or that their insurance company doesn’t want to help you get back to work as fast as possible. But, both parties probably want to help you as cheaply as possible.

You were probably given some doctor’s name along with some cookie cutter letter and prescription. Frankly, the employer’s job is to make sure they abide by the law and offer you help, and the insurance company’s job is to get you that help as cheaply as possible.

“What Many Employers And Insurance Companies Keep Hidden From Work Injury Sufferers”

Most employers and insurance companies won’t tell you this so I will:

Do not be quick to sign away your rights for care with the liable insurance company. This could be a big mistake if you haven’t crossed all your “t’s”!

They may not be as interested in your injury as you would think. First and foremost, they want to get you help, but sometimes the help they recommend isn’t enough. As an injured individual you have the right to get the help you need, and Chiropractic Care could be the most appropriate care for your type of situation! Let me explain.

Most injuries to your back, neck or spine take weeks to months to fully develop. You might feel fine immediately after a few weeks off after a workplace injury only to soon start suffering terribly.

Many soft tissue or “hidden” work Injuries go un-noticed. Be assured, these may haunt you down the road if they’re not properly taken care of. Many MDs are not properly trained to notice the early developing signs of disc and spinal injuries and hidden soft tissue injuries that are virtually undetectable by the untrained eye or typical doctor or insurance examiner.

“Here’s One of The Smartest Things Any Work Injury Victim Can Do.”

I believe one of the smartest things anyone that suffered a work injury can do is to seek care from a Chiropractor as soon as possible after their injury. If you’ve waited too long that’s okay, there still may be time.

A Chiropractor that specializes in work Injuries is trained to detect spinal injuries before they can become debilitating, or help you once they do. Not only do you need to stop the pain, but you must rehabilitate the affected area or you’ll have major problems down the road.

This is exactly what I do. If you want to not only feel better, prevent future suffering, and get back to earning money again, I may be able to help you.

Let’s face it, if you’re like me, your neighbor, and the 3-4 million other Americans in this county, you need to make money. Being out of work or getting small paychecks is not only terrifying to people that live paycheck to paycheck, but it’s also limiting your lifestyle. You deserve to get back to the things you enjoy, even the simplest things like going to dinner, a movie or just hanging out with friends and family.

You deserve not to miss a beat and live your life to the fullest. However, like most of us, you must get back to work so you can make the money you need to live.

Here’s the good news: Some 13 separate studies in various states have repeatedly found that Chiropractic care gets people back to work much sooner and at far lower costs than medical care for the same type of injuries!

Now you may be able to get the specialized help you need to help stop your pain, get you back to living the life you deserve, avoid falling in debt, and do the preventive maintenance you need to avoid any crippling medical problems in the future!

“What Most Work Injury Victims Wish They Knew When They Had The Chance.”

“How Can You Get Chiropractic Care?” Most employees don’t know this but, almost every employee in this state is protected by the worker’s compensation law which guarantees three benefits:

A. Medical Benefits – all injured workers are entitled to any treatment which is “reasonably required to cure or relieve from the symptoms or effects of an industrial injury”.

B. Temporary Disability Benefits – if you are out of work due to an industrial injury you receive two-thirds of your average weekly earnings or maximum $490.00 per week.

C. Permanent Disability Benefits – if you have any loss or diminished ability to “compete in the open labor market,” at the end of reaching maximum improvement, you’ll also receive permanent disability payments.

This means your employer or your employer’s insurance company must pay for reasonable and necessary care to cure or relieve your condition! This means you can use your head and seek the best possible care, you don’t have to get second rate care and listen to their suggestions!

Let me ask you a few questions to determine if you should seek Chiropractic Care for your work related injury:

1. Do you want someone who understands the nature of your injuries so you get back to work as fast as possible, and someone who has experience dealing with insurance problems? (Don’t be a number.)

2. Do you want personalized care from someone who practically lives for treating people exactly in your situation?

3. Do you want to not only to stop the pain, but to rehabilitate the affected area?

These may sound like stupid questions but most MDs don’t rehabilitate the affected area because they don’t find the root problem, it’s not their specialty. That’s where we come in!

“What Many Doctor’s Will Never Tell You About Work Injuries.”

We don’t cover your condition with medication that temporarily relieves the problem only to grow worse. (Yes, medication can make it worse! Most doctor’s would never tell you this.)

We run a simple test, and target your problem areas exactly, even detecting the injuries that don’t hurt now but cause future pain when you don’t expect it or can’t handle it.

We handle everything that you’re concerned about with your work injury. We,

  • Make sure you get the proper recuperation and rehabilitation
  • Make sure you get better
  • Make sure you feel better
  • Make you feel comfortable knowing you’re in the hands of experts that deal with your type of situation everyday
  • Make sure you get what you deserve!

Look at that list! What else could you ask for? Don’t you agree you’re in the best possible hands?

Here’s what you need to do:

First, you need to make a decision. You don’t have all day. I know it’s uncomfortable. You’re unsure and confused. We can fix all that.

Simply come in for a *FREE evaluation! Yes, that’s right FREE! You can get an instant Work Injury FREE Consultation Certificate by simply completing the form below.

(*Now, we can’t promise we can get you in immediately. Due to the overwhelming amount of victims in %%city%% that are now realizing they’ve experienced complications with their work accident, we’re being flooded with requests for this FREE Work Injury Consultation and we can’t turn our regular patients away. So please, if you’re serious, act now before we have no choice but to pull the plug on the “free” part.)

Again, I do this everyday so I’ll answer all your questions free of charge and be straight with you. If I can’t help you, I’ll give you a complete action plan on how to find out who can.

Chances are, after we evaluate your situation, see the actual injury, including the hidden injury, and see what rehabilitative options you have, you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to get this care, feel better and get back to work earning your paychecks and getting back into the swing of things.

Here’s how to get your Work Injury FREE Consultation Certificate:

1. Simply complete the form below for a FREE Work Injury Consultation Certificate

2. Immediately after completing the form, you’ll get your FREE Work Injury Consultation Certificate instantly in your email!

By the way, you don’t have to decide now if you want or will even need regular treatment- just grab your Free Consultation at our risk by completing the form below before it’s too late.

Again, we can only offer this for FREE for a limited time. It wouldn’t be fair to our existing patients to book our entire appointment book with free consultations. So we’ve decided that we’ll offer this for a limited time only, and appointments are on a first come, first serve basis.

Can I help you detect and prevent present and future pain and suffering?

But the only way to ensure of this is to take the first step by taking action and completing the form below!

I know it may be difficult for you to do this. Maybe you thought the nightmare was over and then this letter got you a little nervous thinking about the incident again. That’s okay, that’s the exact reason why you must force yourself right now to complete the form below and get your FREE Consultation!

You owe it to yourself to finally do something to get things taken care of once and for all. This is your first step to doing just that….

There is absolutely no way that you can lose – except by not taking me up on risk-free consultation.

Remember, don’t put this off. If for some reason you’re still considering recommendations from your family doctor, insurance companies, or even numbing the pain with pills, try to solve the real problem first. Before doing the temporary options and before your problem gets worse and worse due to neglect, let us see if we can help.

Again, just complete the form below and let us take care of the rest!. The ball is in your court!

To your health,

Dr. Knecht

PS. Remember, this offer is only valid for a limited time. We can’t give this away forever! This is a no obligation, FREE consultation to determine the exact cause of the symptoms you are experiencing!

Get a FREE Consultation: