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(Seating is limited so please do not be late at the risk of being turned away. Please arrive on time, if you are going to be arriving late please call asap so we can hold your seat.)


“The BodyFat Removal System: Discover How To Lose 1-2 Pounds Of Fat Per Day!” Local Doctor Reveals How You Can Safely Strip Away Fat 1-2 Pound of Fat Every Day-Without Exercise, Without Hunger Pains, Without Gimmicks & Without Surgery…Read Below!

Dear Friend,

Have you been disappointed with the results you’re getting from your weight loss program?

Are you frustrated with the scale?

Are you having a hard time losing fat and looking the way you want?

Have you been trying to reduce your waist to no avail?

Are you taking supplements with hardly any results?

Are you pulling your hair out wondering why you can’t lose weight when some people seem to peel it off with ease?

Did you ever wonder why most people are “spinning their wheels” when trying to lose weight? Do you desire to stop wasting time and start accelerating your fat loss results times ten?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, this may be the most important document you’ll read all year! It eliminates all the fallacies and gets you down to the weight you want to reach without gimmicks, long tiring exercise programs or any unsafe drugs that do nothing but drain water out of your body.

It’s hard to believe, but millions of exercisers and dieters all over the world literally waste hours and hours trying to lose weight with very little results.

Some due to lack of instruction, some due to lack of effort, many make some of the mistakes revealed in this eBook…every day! Don’t let silly mistakes rob you of the health, weight loss and appearance you deserve and want to achieve! If you’re serious about losing weight and you’re ready to eliminate the excuses, read this eBook and then attend the special workshop explained at the bottom. You life will never be the same again!

This eBook to eliminate the fallacies of weight loss and the workshop will hand you the formula.

I can’t go into detail here, but the workshop you’re going to attend reveals a brand new system that allows you to lose 1-2 pounds of fat per day! It’s not for everyone, but it’s safe, natural and it works when done exactly as prescribed. DON’T Miss it!



“Why The Big Wasted of Time With Most Weight Loss Methods?”

Many have waited for a logical answer to the question, “How can I lose body fat?” In their search for the answer, many have spent an enormous amount of time thinking, worrying, wasting effort and spending money.

Most become very disappointed with the negative outcome: either still overweight, a smaller version of themselves with the same consistency, a weight gain due to improper dieting, or even an unused fitness membership due to de-motivation.

Not to mention a large stock of miracle diets, fad routines, workout tapes and other weight loss paraphernalia that 80% of Americans possess in their basements and living rooms.

Wouldn’t you agree that stories of inconsistent results from nutrition and weight loss programs are everywhere? Without visible results, one can only expect to suffer from discouragement, an inconsistent fitness lifestyle, and the inevitable…the disappointing attitude.

I’ve been watching this take place for many years. Seeing committed people continually get themselves focused on a goal of health and weight loss only to get their enthusiasm intercepted or dampened by the lack of results and the fallacies of fat removal.

Fallacies of nutrition and weight loss are more common now than ever. It seems that every day there is a new and amazing way to remove fat from your body. A unique secret or method that has been discovered to remove the disgusting fat deposits from our waist, thighs, glutes, arms and everywhere else the gruesome nutrient seems to want to hang around.

Some popular misconceptions are “I’ll lose weight first then tone-up,” or “I’ll use higher reps when I weight train to lose more fat,” or “I’ll eat low carbohydrates (carbs),” or “I’ll drink this shake, its got this chemical in it,” “I’ll do sit-ups and lose fat around my waist.” The list can go on and on.  I feel similar to the frustrated researchers of the John F. Kennedy assassination.

They have the proof, the evidence and the motives of a conspiracy. However, because most people have a hard time hearing the simplicity of the truth, they continue to choose the path of least resistance and follow the crowd!

One of my goals as a doctor is to help you live a happy, healthy life as you overcome the falsehoods of the body fat loss conspiracy that is meandering around every television set, fitness center and exercise magazine in the country.  Be prepared.

This program dramatically sets apart the truth from the gimmicks. Take the time to read and study this eBook page by page and then don’t miss the free workshop for the step by step system.

Let’s look at Step 1: No spot reducing

We must start with this to remove the biggest fallacy of fat and weight loss; spot reducing. This is to remind you that the only way you can “spot” reduce fat off your body is with a surgical procedure!

You cannot burn fat directly by weight training or resistance training. You have a better chance of washing your car and then miraculously finding that your house is clean also.

Body fat burns systematically, from everywhere at once. Generally, this process starts when you lower your calories or increase your activity level. Some are still doing hundreds of sit ups, waist bends and leg lifts thinking these areas will tighten up because of the constant burning.

I sympathize for people when they tell me, “I’m really trying to trim up this waist, I’m doing a hundred million sit ups a day”. Or the famous girl from a popular TV show when she responded to a question some talk show host asked her. He wanted to know her secret to a great stomach. “Oh, I do a hundred sit-ups a day!” she responded.  Get a clue!

Please remember, weights – build and maintain muscle, and diet and cardio burns fat. When you do a weight training exercise and feel a burn in a certain muscle group, what your feeling is the muscle burning not the fat burning. If you want to lose the soft stuff around your waist or thighs and you do waist or thigh exercises, you’re not burning fat- you’re building muscle.

This goes for all areas of the body. Some of the popular ways people try this type of magic are doing butt exercises to make the butt smaller (wrong)! Doing arm exercises to lose the fat in the back of the arm (never)! Doing inner thigh movements to get rid of the soft spots on the inside of the leg (impossible)!

You have a much better chance of building those areas bigger than you do of making them smaller. If you want to lose fat, remember it burns systematically off your body. This requires a change of lifestyle, particularly in your eating habits and activity level. You have to be ready to make a change, have the discipline to implement the plan and then take action. Losing weight doesn’t come from just doing exercises. What if I told you of a way that can reduce your calorie level without exercise and also burn ten times the amount of fat that your body could ever burn with exercise and diet combined? This is exactly what I will reveal in the workshop.

“It will require that you set some goals. How much weight do you really want to lose? How many inches? How many clothes sizes?”

Before you even think of starting a fat loss program, you must recognize and identify exactly what you want from it first. Properly identifying and recognizing what you want will make all the difference in the world!

This story explains it all. There was a man, let’s call him “John”, who had been trying to lose weight but it never worked. He was 5’6, 265 lbs. and only 31yrs old. Let’s just say that the weight wasn’t all muscle (to say the least). I asked him what type of workouts he had done.

He had tried everything. Fad diets, workout tapes, home programs, treadmills, miracle diets, meat grinders, toothpicks under the fingernails, nothing worked! One thing he never tried was “consistency”! He hadn’t done any weight loss program for more than 4 weeks. He didn’t know why he lost motivation immediately, shortly after he started each one. Someone once asked him if he had properly identified his major health and wellness goal.

He explained that he wanted to lose about 100 lbs.  As quickly as he was explaining his goal, his key obstacle was evident.  “Have you ever heard the old adage about goal setting?” He was asked. “The one about looking at the top of the big mountain before climbing up?”

It can be kind of intimidating. John was encouraged to change his general 100lb. goal to something smaller such as 1 lb. of fat loss per week. It’s not as overwhelming, allowing him to focus on a smaller 1 pound rather than large, intimidating 100 pound goal.  He agreed.

He decided to pursue that one pound per week goal.  Three months later, John had a changed attitude. He also looked as if he had lost a significant amount of weight.  He explained that according to the scale he is 5 pounds lighter than he was 3 months ago.

However, according to his body fat percentage, his clothes size, and the favorable reaction he gets from people when they see his change, he actually benefited much more. He removed 12lbs. of body fat and he gained 7 lbs of muscle.

If you’re asking yourself how he achieved more results in three months than he did in three years, the answer is this: he completely identified what he wanted in small believable parts. In order to be successful at burning fat and feeling your best, you must recognize exactly what you want and break it into small parts.

Once you do this you will have a much better chance of succeeding. Our mind likes it when we make it easy for it to see the things that we want it to accomplish. Our mind wants to go after easy goals. It’s easy! You can make it a simple process to get your goals reached when they’re small and achievable.

Also, if John had that “visible” goal when he first started (three years prior), he would not have given up as quickly. You can reach any goal you set if you break it down into small parts. After that, write it down and read it daily. Write down exactly how much fat you want to lose, exactly what you want look like and how you want to feel.

“What’s your number one goal? Did you ever think you could lose 1-2 pounds of fat per day? Now it’s possible…”

The formula I will reveal in the free workshop shows you how to lose pure body fat, up to 1 or two pounds per day! But regardless of the possibilities, you must have a focused goal…take some time right now and identify what you want and then break it into small parts. If you skip this crucial step you can expect to resemble John during his first three years. An unfocused goal setter. He knew where he wanted to go. However his goal wasn’t completely identified so he didn’t know how to get there.

Do it now, recognize it, break it down, then write it down and read it often. When you attend the workshop, have your goal in mind-exactly how much weight you want to lose-what size you want to be-and any other goal you may have.

Step 2: Know the difference between muscle and fat.

Without this next action step, your expectations for results may get unfocused. It reminds you to use your common sense when thinking of losing fat and weight loss. It has to do with the difference between muscle and fat. It keeps you correctly focused. I make this point first because 9 out of 10 people who start a weight loss goal start because of a desire to reduce size.

Some forget to use their common sense. They forget to take into consideration the simplicity of how the body works. Blindly, most just want to see that weight come off.  First of all, if your goal is to lose weight, you want to lose fat, not muscle or weight necessarily. Think of a pound of fat which has a caloric consistency of 3500 calories.

If you took one pound of fat and put it in front of you it would equal a grapefruit in size. If you take a pound of muscle which has a caloric consistency of 600 calories and put it in front of you it would equal an orange in size. Looking at both you’ll find that they are both the same weight but one pound of fat is bigger and takes up a lot more room.

If you lose 10 grapefruits off your body, and gain ten oranges, and they both individually weigh one pound, you would be the same weight but a lot smaller afterward.  Because of this size difference you may see your clothes get bigger on you, your inches go down, and people telling you that it looks like you lost weight.

With traditional methods of weight loss, people usually lose weight much slowers since they end up building muscle. For instance, if you weight train, you will build pounds of muscle while you’re losing pounds of fat. You may get on the scale and stay the same weight and appear to be a lot smaller.  This happens when you do a regular exercise program or increase activity because you always initially build muscle. Usually 2-4 pounds for a woman, and 5-10 pounds for a man. Typically this can happen within the first few months. With the system I am going to reveal at the workshop, weight training is not needed. You will burn pure fat so all of the weight that you see come off will be pure fat-not pounds of water, pounds of muscle and some fat-pure fat. Up to 1-2 pounds per day!

Typically, when measuring your results by the scale, you may be heavier or the same weight. This is because you will build muscle faster than you will lose fat. But after your muscle building slows down, after the initial growth period (1-3months), you can count on seeing fat consistently peeling off your body. On a traditional weight loss program, you can lose 1-2 pounds of fat a week. But imagine losing a pound of fat everyday and it being all fat! It’s possible with the system I will reveal at the workshop.

Step 3: Lower calories means more weight loss.

This next step is the logic behind losing fat. This reminds you that you must initially subtract calories from your caloric maintenance level to lose fat. This will put your body in a caloric deficiency and ready to lose fat. How many calories per day do you need to subtract from that number to lose fat and create a caloric deficiency?  A typical goal of fat loss is one pound per week.  One pound of fat consists of 3500 calories.

Divide the 7 days of the week by 3500 calories which equals 500 calories. Subtract this amount of calories from your original caloric maintenance level and you’ll lose one pound of fat a week (provided you are following the other steps).

Adding activity will decrease your calories in addition to lowering them from food intake. You can do this by walking, doing the stationary bike, maybe a light jog or maybe adding some sports to your agenda. Whatever you do remember every 30 minutes of light to moderate activity burns about 300 calories.

This is a great way to lose weight if you don’t like to decrease calories and you like to eat. However, if you are serious about losing 1-2 pounds of fat per day, you must be willing to reduce your calories even more. The best part is you won’t have to do any exercise so after a few days, your appetite will be drastically eliminated and it will become easier to eat less and less.

The next part of this action step is to increase your meal frequency. Eating many mini meals throughout the day will keep your metabolism high and your body burning fat throughout the day. (Don’t confuse mini meals with Happy Meals, these are mini meals). The best way to do this is to pre-plan your meals ahead of time.

The minimum you should eat for fat loss is around 3-4 meals a day. If you really want to be a fat burning machine then increase to 5-6 small meals a day.

Especially if you have a slow metabolism and you enjoy eating like me. I love food, so I eat many mini meals throughout the day. I stay satisfied and am less likely to binge when I see my favorite junk food around.

Basically, the gist of this is, if you want to lose fat or weight you must burn more calories than you consume daily. The problem is that when most people try to burn calories (exercise) or lower their calories (crash diets) they plateau quickly or don’t have the discipline to stick to it. This is why we have come up with a brand new way to lose weight, without having to exercise and without having to guess on what and how to eat.

“The Brand New Body Fat Elimination Formula!”

Okay, so I’ve primed you with a few steps that you must understand:  You can’t spot reduce fat from different areas of your body. Fat burns systematically. So forget all those exercise gimmicks, ab rollers, jumping jack, etc, etc. In order to lose fat it must be burned. There’s no way around it. The key is using the right formula that will accelerate fat burning like never before.

Secondly, you must understand that there is a difference between muscle and fat. Most people lose lots of muscle when they do a weight loss program. This is not good. The goal is to lose fat-pure fat- and do it in the fastest and safest way possible. This is exactly what I am going to reveal in the free workshop.

Third, you must know that fat loss comes with calories reduction. Without reducing calories, you won’t lose fat. Period. The key is knowing what to eat and how to reduce your calories in a way where your body is put into a physiological state that allows it to use pure fat for energy. This is exactly the road I am going to show you in the free workshop.

With all that said, now I believe you are ready for the big secret to be release.  As I said, I am going to explain to you a brand new way to lose fat that breaks away from the tradition methods. It allows you to lost 1-2 pounds of fat per day! It cuts across the lines of all traditional fat loss methods and allows your body to burn pure fat for energy!

All you have to do to discover this amazing new formula is show up at the free workshop. Don’t worry-there’s no obligation or commitments required. You just come and listen to this amazing new fat loss process and I guarantee you will be blown away when you see how fast it works and how easy it is to implement.

No exercising!

No guessing what to eat!

No wondering what to do!

And thousands of people have lost so much weight!  Here are some testimonials:





As a Doctor of Chiropractic, let me tell you…the biggest mistake I see most people make IS TO TRY TO LOSE FAT WITHOUT USING A PROVEN SYSTEM! They also PROCRASTINATE! “I’ll begin when the kids go back to school” or “I’ll start when I have more motivation” or “I’ll do it as soon as the New Year gets here” etc, etc, You must be willing to get over the excuses and take action. The free workshop is the perfect way to take the action now, without waiting any longer for your weight loss goals to be realized. You can do it! But you must take the action!

Many people believe that just living a healthy lifestyle, exercising a little or cutting out some sweets is going to eliminate weight. It doesn’t work. Many people need a special edge. What I can provide you is a SUPER SYSTEM TO STRIP 1-2 POUNDS OF FAT OFF OF YOUR BODY EACH DAY!

That’s exactly what I can do for you! Let me show you exactly what to do so you not only lose fat in the fastest time possible, but also start living a healthy, natural life as fast as possible .

It doesn’t matter how many bad habits you may think you have or what your current eating program is like. THIS WORKS FOR ANYONE WHO IS READY!

If you’ve haven’t learned anything in this eBook, learn this: don’t procrastinate and put this off! Procrastination is the biggest killer of weight loss goals and the biggest accelerator of health problems. As you may know, procrastination is “putting off today, we think we’ll eventually get to tomorrow” (or sometime in the future).

Take the action now and ATTEND THE FREE Workshop-You’re Already Registered. Seating is Limited- So Be Sure to Show Up ON TIME so You Don’t Lose Your Seat:


Date & Time:

Thank you so much for reading this book! I look forward to meeting you at the workshop!
