Neuropathy Report

“Attention Foot Pain Suffers: Are Your Feet Suddenly Getting Attacked by Numbness, Muscle Weakness or Shooting Pains that Keep You Up at Night? Discover the Hidden Signs of Neuropathy and What You Can Do to Detect and Elminate This Painful Condition Before its Too Late!”

Dear friend,

Do your feet feel like they are growing eerily numb? Is it sometimes hard to feel hot and cold tempatures when you are in the shower? Are burning sensations and shooting pain keeping you up at night? You may be suffering with neuropathy and not even know it!

Hi, my name is Dr. and in this report, I am going to teach you how to detect and eliminate the condition known as neuropathy, so that you can steer clear of the problems that accompany the condition, if left untreated.

You don’t have to live with neuropathy for the rest of your life! What you choose to do with this information may make the difference between a pain-free life and one filled with the miserable repercussions of not acting when there was still time.

What Is Neuropathy?

As can be assumed from “neuro” in neuropathy, the condition is one that deals with the body’s nervous system. In a healthy nervous system, the many nerve endings in your body deliver messages from your brain and spinal chord to your feet, letting you know when something is too hot, too cold, or is sharp, such as stepping on a tack. When the nervous system is damaged in some way, appendages such as your feet can lose their ability to feel, and will become numb, kind of like if your foot had fallen asleep.

Normally, however, the damage to the nerve can cause you much pain, to the point where it can become almost unbearable. Perhaps you can relate to the sleepless nights from shooting pains that can keep you awake and in tears. Some individuals like you that also suffer from neuropathy may experience some burning and tingling as well, and at other times the muscles in your feet may feel very weak.

Neuropathy is very miserable to live with, and if you have the condition, it most likely has not only been calling your name, but SCREAMING it out! However, if the symptoms of neuropathy have not gotten your attention enough to motivate you to seek immediate treatment, then perhaps the rest of this report will. It may save you much trouble down the road!

Causes and Risk Factors of Neuropathy

If you’re sick and tired of all of the pain, weakness and numbness in your foot that are underlying sympoms of neuropathy, then one of the most important steps you need to take right now is to find out the root cause of the problem. Many people may try to treat the symptoms of the condition, but are never cured because they are not targeting the main instigator that is creating the neuropathy in the first place.

There are a number of factors that can cause nerve damage, and thus, the condition called neuropathy. The most common causes are:

  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Toxins or medications

It is commonly known among diabetics that neuropathy is a potential side effect of having high blood sugar. The condition must be monitored carefully before it develops into other problems that are much more serious. Smoking can cause neuropathy because it can deplete the body of much-needed oxygen, and alcohol can act like a toxin that poisons your nerves, which can also trigger the condition.

Even if you think you may know what is causing your neuropathy, it is imperative to have a professional advise you of the root cause of the condition. Besides, aren’t you tired of spending nearly every waking hour, and those in which you wished you were sleeping but couldn’t because of the pain, crying out because of the agony. Don’t you want to deal with the issue and uproot it once and for all like a deeply-rooted weed that is choking out a beautiful rose garden? Furthermore, dealing with this condition your entire life is so UNECESSARY! Help is so close…and easy!

Potential Long-Term Problems if Left Untreated

Many people just like you may not be aware of the potential long-term problems that can develop from neuropathy as a result of improper treatment, or a lack of it altogether. However, it cannot be overstressed how seriously the condition should be taken. You might brush off neuropathy and think that time is on your side, but actually time could be be one of your worst enmeies.

First of all, since neuropathy is a numbing ailment, the chances of an injury becoming serious are greatly increased. For instance, if you have a break in your skin, and do not feel sting of the cut or abrasion, the area could soon turn into a deep open wound known as a foot ulcer. If the ulcer is allowed to grow, it will continue to develop until it has eaten away at more of the flesh of your foot. Ultimately, this could lead to the need for amputation, whether it be part of the foot, or the entire appendage.

Some have also even suffered terrible burns or have had their feet and legs vicitimized by frostbite because of this condition. Furthemore, the longer you take risks with neuropathy, the more it can creep into your ankles and legs, working its way up the limb, and causing futher SERIOUS problems that would make you totally repulsed if I were to show you a photograph of what could become of you!

This is certainly NOT what you want for your life, is it? Why should you have to deal with such horrible suffering, when you can get help and be free once and for all? Are you ready for that freedom NOW? Well then, I have GOOD NEWS for you!

The Best Choice You Can Make For Yourself!

INACTION IS NOT AN OPTION. If after reading this report you suspect that you may have neuropathy, you need to act right away and have the condition diagnosed and treated before it’s too late! Don’t you just want to be FREE from the pain, numbness and burning and for everything to be healed and like new again? Don’t you want STOP living in fear and feeling like you are a hostage to this dibilitating disease? You can!

However, the choice is up to you. No one can act for you. You must do something NOW and stop making excuses or hoping that the problem will someone disappear by itself. You need the IMMEDIATE assistance of a professional podiatrist who will help you to address your neuropathy and its root cause once and for all.

THAT’S WHAT WE’RE HERE FOR. OUR OFFICE IS RIGHT HERE IN .  I want to help you end the suffering and bring your feet from barraged to beautiful, and from numb to nurtured. I will equip you with ALL THE INFORMATION THAT YOU NEED AND SHOW YOU EXACTLY HOW we can ELMINATE this AWFUL condition, and prevent it from ever coming back again. However, I can’t help you unless YOU contact me! The BALL IS IN YOUR COURT…DON’T PUT THIS OFF!

SIMPLY complete the form below and WE’LL GET YOU IN AT YOUR CONVENIENCE! Again, complete this form NOW, and let’s sit down and talk about helping you to get your life back!

I look forward to seeing you in person very soon!

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