Heel Pain Report

“Discover the 5 Simple Secrets to Eliminating Aching Heel Pain! Plus, Avoid the 5 Biggest Costly Mistakes that Heel Pain Sufferers Make Without Even Knowing It”

Dear Friend,

Do you suffer with intense and agonizing heel pain? Do you wake up every morning in misery and hobble to the bathroom because of the pain that seems to sneak up on you overnight? Does the problem seem to dissipate as the day wears on, but then come back with even more intensity when you get off of your feet at the end of the day? Well, then you may be one of the many people that are dealing with a condition called plantar fascitis.

Hi, my name is Dr. and in this report, I am going to teach you HOW to find effective solutions to eliminate your excrutiating heel pain, and how to avoid the costly mistakes that others commonly make. Relief is in sight, but you have to rise up and do something to help yourself today.

What is Plantar Fascitis?

Plantar fascitis is a condition where the ligament on the sole of your foot that connects your heel with the ball of your foot is torn and inflammed. The word “plantar” means “bottom of the foot;” the word “fascia” needs ligament, and the word “itis” means “inflammation.”

Plantar fascitis can be attributed to a variety of factors, but the most common factor is excessive pounding of the heels. Being overweight or struggling with diabetes can further complicate issues. With every step that we take, our heels absorb our body weight, and when there is too much pressure upon the heel because of that weight, then plantar fascitis can occur. If you have a job that requires you to spend most of the day on your feet, you may also be at greater risk for developing this condition.

Other factors that can cause plantar fascitis are:

  • Shoes that have soft soles or inadequate arch support
  • Pronation: when the foot rolls inward while walking.
  • Frequent long-distance running
  • Any activity that puts stress on the foot

After being advised of these factors, you may believe that you have an idea of what is causing your heel pain. However, it is best to seek other advice to exactly pinpoint the culprit. It is important to target and eliminate the root cause of the issue so that your condition does not return. Otherwise, you will be dealing with an ongoing merry-go-round of pain and inflammation with each new day. Certainly you don’t want that, do you? Of course not! That is why it is so important for you to pay attention to what I have to say in this report.

The Common and Costly Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make!

Many people just like you, although they have good intentions, make mistakes with the treatment of plantar fascitis that can be costly both financially and physically. You don’t want to be one of these people. Furthermore, you don’t have to be. You can be one of those that found relief the right way, instead of dealing with weeks, months or even years of suffering. Paying attention to these tips could save you from all of that.

There are a number of avenues that people take when facing plantar fascitis:

  • MISTAKE #1: CONSUMING LARGE AMOUNTS OF OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS: While some medicatations may help to provide temporary relief, they may not solve the root cause of the problem. Worse yet, you may experience negative side effects from the repeated doses, which can most significantly create problems in your stomach.
  • MISTAKE #2: TAKING CORTISONE SHOTS: Cortisone shots are painful, and sometimes can fail. While you empty your wallet paying for the shots, you may just be throwing your money out the window.
  • MISTAKE #3: RELYING ON HOMEMADE REMEDIES: There are likely a number of homemade remedies and treatments that have been passed down from your great grandmother. However, trying to play doctor to yourself can be dangerous, as you do not know the underlying problems that you are facing below the surface. Furthermore, while you are testing and trying various remedies on yourself, only to have to start again from square one, your ligaments are still torn and in agony, and you have wasted precious time and money.
  • MISTAKE #4: WEARING SHOES WITH NO SHOCK ABSORPTION: If your footwear are not adequately cushioning your feet, you are inviting yourself to be afflicted by a variety of painful foot conditions. You must have good footwear to help keep plantar fascitis at bay. However, good footwear alone will not heal an already existing condition.
  • MISTAKE #5: DOING NOTHING : Overlooking the problem or refusing to get help is one of the worst things that you can do. Don’t assume that the pain will just go away on its own. You need to find out what is causing the problem, target it, eliminate it, and then properly allow the torn ligament to heal.

It has been said that we can learn from the mistakes of others. Now that you know the most common and costly mistakes that people make, resolve that you will not make these mistakes yourself!

5 Simple Steps Toward Elminating the Pain

While it is important to know what not to do, it is equally as vital to concurrently know what you SHOULD do. There are 5 simple steps that you can take to get yourself back on the road to healing:

  • STEP#1: GET AS MUCH REST AS POSSIBLE: Your feet are screaming out in agony because your consistent and blunt pounding against the ground day after day is much akin to beating them against a brick wall. Unless you change your habits, your feet will continue calling out to you for relief and rest. Give your feet a break every day and let them have time to heal from the stress.
  • STEP#2: WEAR PROPER FOOTWEAR: We have already dicussed this issue, but it cannot be overstressed how important it is to ensure that your feet are properly cushioned. Especially if you are involved in athletics, are an avid runner, or just are on your feet all day, it is imperative to prevent any injuries by making sure your shoes sufficiently cradle your feet.
  • STEP #3: FOLLOW A WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM: With every step you take, your heels bear the burden of your frame. If you are struggling with your weight, and think that it may be a factor in the pain that you are experiencing in your feet, then you may wish to begin following a weight loss program. It may help to give you needed relief from the daily agony you are facing.
  • STEP #4: DO STRETCHES PRIOR TO ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES: Some people may be afflicted with plantar fascitis because their feet react to the shock of the sudden stress that they are put under. Be sure to take a few minutes to stretch your muscles before hitting the pavement to reduce your risk of re-acquiring the condition.
  • STEP #5: SEE A LICENSED PODIATRIST: Seeking professional help is is one of the most important and necessary things that you must do to find relief from plantar fascitis. A licensed podiatrist that his experienced in both common and complicated conditions of the foot can examine your feet and prescribe a course of action that can get you back on the path to healing – for good! Oh, to think of it! No more pain and suffering!

Conquering the Agony of De Feet

If you have plantar fascitis, it likely is keeping you from doing many of the things that you love to do. It is a bondage of sorts that you yearn to be free from. You may be tired of experiencing the intense pain that you face after a long day at work. You’d like to go out and play with the kids, but have to pass because you feel as if your heels are killing you.

It’s time to get your life back!

As I mentioned in the tips above, it is imperative that you receive  immediate help from a licensed podiatrist. THAT’S WHAT WE’RE HERE FOR. OUR OFFICE IS RIGHT HERE IN . If you’ve been suffering with this condition, contact my office right away and set up an appointment. While you’ve been enduring unbearable pain for weeks upon weeks, I can help get you back on the road to recovery in just minutes!

Not only will I help you to finally go about your daily activities again without the unrelenting, life-interrupting suffering that comes from plantar fascitis, I will give you ALL THE INFORMATION YOU NEED AND SHOW YOU EXACTLY HOW you can prevent THIS AWFUL condition from ever coming back again. Since the underlying causes are so diverse, we will work with you to personally discover the instigator of all of your pain and help you to conquer it head on! THE BALL IS IN YOUR COURT…DON’T PUT THIS OFF! If you want relief, you must ACT NOW. No one can can take that first step for you.

SIMPLY complete the form below and WE’LL GET YOU IN AT YOUR CONVENIENCE. Again, complete this form NOW, and let’s sit down and talk about helping you to get your life back!

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