Hammertoes Report

“Discover How to Eliminate & Re-Form Hurting, Embarrassing Hammertoes, Even if You’ve Tried Everything Before!”

Dear Friend,

Have you been afflicted with the painful and embarrassing deformity known as hammertoes? Is it difficult to put on your footwear in the morning and carry yourself through the day? Does it seem like one or more of your toes is progressively bending into a claw-like position, until you can’t move your toe anymore? Have you tried to help yourself, but nothing has really worked?

Hammertoes are nothing that you want to take risks with. Delaying to properly address the problem only makes things worse, as you may watch your toe be further deformed until you require surgical treatment!

Hi, my name is Dr. and in this report, I am going to teach you HOW to find effective solutions to eliminate and re-form your hurting and embarrassing hammertoes, and what you need to do to stop the ailment from worsening. Relief is in sight, but you have to rise up and do something to help yourself today.

What Hammertoes Looks Like

Hammertoes never appear overnight. It is not as if one morning you get up and your look down to find your foot saying, “Hello. You have hammertoes.”  Rather, the condition is quite progressive, and will start off very mild with a bit of pain or irritation while your are wearing footwear, and corns and calluses may begin to form on one or more of your toes, or between toes.

The condition is most commonly seen on the second toe, but it can also show up on the third, fourth and fifth toes as well. As time goes on, the toe will slowly begin to bend inward, due to muscles and tendons that tighten and become shorter with each passing day. The affected toe will then become red and inflammed, and may be accompanied by a burning sensation. In severe cases, sores may also form on the toe.

If not treated properly in its early stages, the middle joint of the toe will progressively curve inward and will basically freeze until you are unable to move your toe on your own.

Certainly you do not wish for this dreadful condition to progress to this stage! That is why it is so important for you to listen to what I have to say in this report.

What Causes Hammertoes?

There are a variety of factors that may be contributing to your condition. The most common cause, however, is improper footwear. If you are wearing shoes that are too tight on your feet, and your toes are being cramped, then you are setting yourself up for hammertoe problems.

However, hammertoes may also be caused by a number of other issues, such as:

  • A muscle and tendon imbalance
  • Spinal cord or nerve problems, or the result of a stroke
  • Sudden trauma to the toe, such as dropping something on the toe or kicking something with great force
  • Issues with your toe at the time of birth
  • Hereditary conditions that you inherited from your ancestors

Many people overlook the fact that they may be dealing with hammertoes, and allow the issue to continue until the problem is no longer avoidable. One of the first steps in getting help for yourself is finding out if you indeed have hammertoes. It is also imperative that you pinpoint and target the root cause of your hammertoes, otherwise the condition will keep returning and will worsen to the point that you may require medical surgery. Don’t let it come down to this!

“But I’ve Tried Everything and Nothing Seems to Help!”

So, you’ve tried to help yourself, and have done everything you can to stop the pain and straighten your deformed toes. Although nothing seems to solve the problem, a solution is readily available. Don’t think hammertoes are something that you just have to live with only because all of your home remedies have not worked.

There are a number of changes that people try to make to correct the painful condition:

  • NEW FOOTWEAR: Purchasing footwear that is more comfortable and leaves lots of room for your toes to breathe certainly can help prevent further damage (if that is indeed the cause of your condition), but it cannot in itself re-form your bent toes.
  • PADDING: Placing padding between your toes and under the ball of your foot may temporarily provide relief from the intense pain of your deformed toe. However, if the root cause problem is not addressed head-on, and treated properly, then you may as well stock up on padding, for your problem will remain continual.
  • TOPICAL CREAMS: Although topical creams may help to dissipate some of the redness and inflammation associated with hammeroes, they WILL NOT COMPLETELY CURE YOU. Topical creams only address surface problems and can be used to alleviate symptoms, but never treat what is causing the symptoms in the first place.

Also note that none of these methods will re-form your foot after it is deformed. These deformities require proper medical treatment, which you cannot do on your own!

The Pathway to Regaining Beautiful Feet

If you have hammertoes, it is likely that you concentrate a lot of energy on hiding your feet. You may long to wear sandals in the summer, but feel you are forced to keep your feet covered out of embarrassment. It may even be disheartening for you to look at your toes in the shower each morning, as you watch them continue to bend like a claw.

Be encouraged. There is hope for you to get your feet back to the beauty that they once were. Besides, aren’t you tired of feeling bad about the problem both physically and emotionally? You need to get your life back!

The first step on the pathway to regaining beautiful feet is to get immediate help from a licensed podiatrist. Since the progression of hammertoes varies from person to person, you do not want to take any risks regarding the speed of the curvature of your toes. THAT’S WHAT WE’RE HERE FOR. OUR OFFICE IS RIGHT HERE IN . If you’ve been suffering with this condition, contact my office right away and set up an appointment. While you’ve been enduring unbearable pain and embarrassment for weeks upon weeks, I can help get you back on the road to recovery in just minutes!

Not only will I help you to finally go about your daily activities again without the unrelenting, life-interrupting suffering that comes from hammertoes, I will give you ALL THE INFORMATION YOU NEED AND SHOW YOU EXACTLY HOW you can prevent THIS AWFUL condition from ever coming back again. Since the underlying causes are so diverse, we will work with you to personally discover the instigator of all of your pain and help you to conquer it head on! THE BALL IS IN YOUR COURT…DON’T PUT THIS OFF! If you want relief, you must ACT NOW. No one can can take that first step for you.

SIMPLY complete the form below and WE’LL GET YOU IN AT YOUR CONVENIENCE. Again, complete this form NOW, and let’s sit down and talk about helping you to get your life back!

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